QuillBot AI Tools: Write, Rewrite, Fix Grammar and Scan Content for Plagiarism

Discover how QuillBot's AI paraphraser and other content tools can help you create unique and SEO-friendly content faster. With a forever free plan and affordable premium options, QuillBot is a valuable addition to your content creation process.
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App types: ,

Supported platforms:

Chrome Extension
Google Docs Addon
Microsoft Word Addin

Language Models

AI writer features

Long-form editor
Document management (folders)
AI Rewriter
Text auto-suggest
Quick research sidebar
Dictate feature

AI tools supported

Text generator
AI paraphraser

AI rewriter

Paraphrasing modes
Text Summarizer tool
Rewrites Management
Protected Words
Control amount of changes (synonyms)
Compare content
Compare Modes

Recommended for:

Language Models


Quick overview

QuillBot, primarily an AI paraphraser, is a set of content tools that can enable content developers to craft content much faster.

You can use the AI paraphraser to rewrite full articles to make them completely unique so that you can repurpose them for SEO purposes. This AI writer is similar to WordAi, but a lot cheaper.

Other tools that QuillBot offers include:

  • Spelling and grammar checker
  • AI Summarizer
  • Plagiarism checker
  • QuillBot Translate
  • QuillBot Co-writer (an AI-powered editor)
  • Citation generator

QuillBot pricing

QuillBot has a forever free plan that grants you up to 125 words in the paraphraser, 2 paraphrasing modes, 1200 words in the AI Summarizer, and the ability to freeze one word or phrase so that it’s not reworded when the content is paraphrased.

To unlock all the features and extend the above limits, you will need QuillBot Premium at $9.95/month or just $49.95/year.

QuillBot pricing

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