With an intuitive interface and AI-powered features, WordAi can generate unique text and correct grammatical errors, making it a great choice for content creators.
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App types:

Supported platforms:

Chrome Extension

Language Models

AI rewriter

Paraphrasing modes
Text Summarizer tool
Rewrites Management
Bulk rewriting
Rewrite for AI Detectors
Protected Words
Control amount of changes (synonyms)
Compare Modes

Recommended for:

Language Models


Quick overview

WordAi elevates content rewriting to a whole new level by generating unique text that goes beyond just synonyms.

The interface is extremely intuitive. Simply paste your text into the prompt box areaand click the rewrite button to get started.

WordAi also integrates with Articleforge, an AI-powered content generator that can produce complete articles in minutes. With this interface, you may import an existing article or compose a new one directly from the WordAi dashboard.

This tool also automatically corrects grammatical errors discovered in the original text so they aren’t transferred into the spun copy.

WordAi supported features:

  • API Integration for Bulk Rewriting
  • Rewriting of sentences and phrases
  • Multilingual support; HTML support for Italian, French, and Spanish

WordAi pricing

WordAi has a simple price structure:

  • Monthly plan cost: $57
  • Yearly rate: $27 per month

The regular membership allows you to rewrite up to 3,000,000 words per month.

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