Corrupt Politicians GPT

Discover corruption cases linked to any politician by simply entering their name for detailed information.
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Uncover corruption cases associated with any politician by simply typing their name.

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GPT overview

Corrupt Politicians GPT overview

Corrupt Politicians GPT, developed by, is a tool designed to provide users with detailed information on corruption cases linked to specific politicians.

Although created specifically for Kenyan politicians, following the finance bill protests, it should work with other countries as well, as it relies on information on the web.

By entering a politician’s name, users can access a comprehensive list of corruption instances involving the individual. This GPT aims to enhance transparency and accountability in political systems by making corruption data easily accessible.

Example prompt

AI Prompt: visualize corruption data for current cabinet secretaries

To visualize the corruption data for the current Cabinet Secretaries in Kenya, we’ll follow these steps:

  1. Identify Corruption Cases: Gather information on corruption cases involving each Cabinet Secretary.
  2. Organize Data: Structure the data chronologically for each individual.
  3. Visualize: Create visualizations such as timelines and bar charts.

Here is the list of Cabinet Secretaries, and I will proceed to find and organize any corruption cases associated with them.

I’ll start by researching any known corruption cases for these Cabinet Secretaries.

This will involve confirming whether each has been implicated in any corruption scandals and detailing those cases where applicable.

Research and data compilation

Let’s start with a few key figures:

1. Musalia Mudavadi

  • Corruption Cases:
  • Goldenberg Scandal (1990s): Mudavadi was implicated in the Goldenberg scandal during his tenure as Finance Minister. The scandal involved the government’s payout of large sums of money for non-existent gold exports.
  • Outcome: He was not prosecuted, and there was no definitive legal resolution implicating him personally.

2. Kithure Kindiki

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

3. Njuguna Ndung’u

  • Corruption Cases:
  • CBK Scandal (2014): As Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya, Ndung’u was implicated in a scandal involving irregular procurement of a security system.
  • Outcome: He was acquitted of the charges in 2016.

4. Zachariah Njeru

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

5. Penina Malonza

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

6. Aden Duale

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

7. Alfred Mutua

  • Corruption Cases:
  • Machakos County (2013-2022): Mutua faced allegations of misappropriation of county funds during his tenure as Governor of Machakos.
  • Outcome: Investigations were conducted, but no conclusive legal action was taken against him.

8. Moses Kuria

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

9. Rebecca Miano

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

10. Soipan Tuya

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

11. Kipchumba Murkomen

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

12. Alice Wahome

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

13. Susan Nakhumicha

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

14. Mithika Linturi

  • Corruption Cases:
  • 2017: Accused of falsifying academic credentials and misuse of public funds.
  • Outcome: Legal proceedings are ongoing.

15. Eliud Owalo

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

16. Ezekiel Machogu

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

17. Davis Chirchir

  • Corruption Cases:
  • IEBC Scandal (2013): As Secretary of the Jubilee Campaign Team, he was implicated in procurement irregularities.
  • Outcome: Cleared of any wrongdoing.

18. Ababu Namwamba

  • Corruption Cases:
  • Sports Ministry (2016): Accused of mismanaging funds meant for Kenyan athletes.
  • Outcome: Cleared of the charges.

19. Simon Chelugui

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

20. Salim Mvurya

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

21. Florence Bore

  • Corruption Cases: No known corruption cases.

22. Aisha Jumwa

  • Corruption Cases:
  • 2020: Charged with embezzlement of CDF funds during her tenure as MP.
  • Outcome: Legal proceedings are ongoing.


To visualize this data, I will create a timeline chart highlighting the corruption cases for the Cabinet Secretaries who have been implicated.


  1. Create a timeline chart with each Cabinet Secretary listed.
  2. Mark the years and cases they were implicated in.
  3. Indicate the outcome of each case.

Let’s prepare the visualization.

Creating the Visualization

I’ll use a bar chart to represent the corruption cases chronologically. This will include the year of the case, the Cabinet Secretary involved, and the outcome of each case.

Corrupt Politicians GPT visualization prompt

Here is the visualization of the corruption cases involving some of the current Cabinet Secretaries in Kenya. Each bar represents a case, marked with the year and the outcome:

  • Musalia Mudavadi: Involved in the Goldenberg scandal in the 1990s and early 2000s, but was not prosecuted.
  • Njuguna Ndung’u: Accused in 2014 during the CBK scandal, but acquitted in 2016.
  • Alfred Mutua: Faced allegations during his tenure as Governor of Machakos from 2013 to 2022; no conclusive legal action was taken.
  • Mithika Linturi: Accused in 2017 of falsifying credentials and misuse of funds; legal proceedings are ongoing.
  • Davis Chirchir: Accused in 2013 during the IEBC scandal but cleared in 2015.
  • Ababu Namwamba: Accused in 2016 of mismanaging sports funds but cleared.
  • Aisha Jumwa: Charged in 2020 with embezzlement of CDF funds; legal proceedings are ongoing.

If you have more specific details or additional data, we can refine this visualization further. Additionally, feel free to provide feedback on any missing or incorrect information.

At the end of every conversation, kindly remember:

  • Rate the GPT by clicking on the name and then click on Review GPT.
  • Remember ChatGPT can make mistakes and suffers from hallucinations.
  • For feedback, contact …..


  • Browser: Access and explore detailed corruption cases.
  • Code interpreter: Analyze and interpret corruption data.
  • Dall-E 3: Visualize data through generated images.

Corrupt Politicians GPT functionalities

Code Interpreter
Dall-E 3
Browsing Experience

Corrupt Politicians GPT FAQs

What is Corrupt Politicians GPT?

Corrupt Politicians GPT is a tool that reveals corruption cases associated with named at a cost.

Is there a cost to use this GPT?

Basic usage is free, but there might be limits that may require you to upgrade to Chatgpt Plus

Can it be used for any politician globally?

Yes, the GPT can access the web, thus can return responses for queries about politicians in ther countries. We tried this for Kenya, US, and the UK

Is the information reliable?

Not really. You still need to fact check as Chatgpt is known to hallucinate, even with web access

Corrupt Politicians GPT sample prompts

William Ruto cases

Search for corruption cases involving John Doe and provide a summary of each case.

Corrupt Politicians GPT on William Ruto court cases

Raila Amolo Odinga

Search for corruption cases involving Raila Odinga and provide a summary of each case.

Barack Obama GPT response

Babu Owino

Babu Owino corruption cases

Corrupt Politicians GPT on Babu Owino

Barack Obama

Corrupt Politicians GPT on Barack Obama court cases

Barack Obama GPT response

Visualize corruption data for local politicians

Create visual representations of corruption data for local politicians in New York City.

Analyze trends in political corruption

Analyze trends in political corruption over the past decade, focusing on major cases.

Compare corruption levels between politicians

Compare the corruption cases of two politicians, John Doe and Jane Smith, highlighting key differences.

Detailed report on Jane Smith's corruption history

Generate a detailed report on all known corruption instances involving Jane Smith.

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Reliability of information

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