AI Tool Hunt ChatGPT Plugin

Discover best Ai tools for every use case

AI Tool Hunt is an extensive directory that serves as the go-to destination for discovering the best AI tools and websites. It’s constantly updated with the latest and greatest AI tools available.

With over 1600+ AI tools and 120+ categories, AI Tool Hunt provides a wide range of options for various use cases.  Whether you’re looking for AI solutions for data analysis, natural language processing, computer vision, or any other application, AI Tool Hunt has you covered.

Now you can discover the resources listed on their website directly from ChatGPT, with their newly introduced AI Tool Hunt Chatgpt plugin.

How the AI Tool Hunt Chatgpt plugin works

When you input any task, problem, or use case, the plugin generates a tailored list of AI tools that could be helpful.

For example, if you’re looking for AI tools that can help with data analysis, you would input “data analysis” into the search query, and the plugin would return a list of AI tools that are relevant to data analysis.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

  1. User Input: The user provides a task, problem, or use case that they need an AI tool for. This is input as a search query. For example, the user might input “image recognition”.
  2. Search Query Processing: The plugin processes the search query, removing any irrelevant words or phrases. It’s important to note that the search query should be as specific as possible to get the most accurate results.
  3. Database Search: The plugin then searches its database of AI tools for matches. This database contains over 1600+ AI tools and 120+ categories.
  4. Result Generation: The plugin generates a list of AI tools that match the search query. These tools are ranked based on their relevance to the search query.
  5. Output: The plugin returns the list of AI tools to the user. The user can then explore these tools to find the one that best suits their needs.

Example prompts

Prompt: What is the best ai tool for designing websites?

Chatgpt response: 

Here are some AI tools that could be helpful for designing websites:

  1. Studio Design: A web design tool for collaborative live web experiences. (Contact for Pricing)
  2. Algorithm-Driven Design: These tools revolutionize UI/UX and enhance graphic design.
  3. Microsoft Designer: Creates designs quickly with access to millions of images. (Contact for Pricing)
  4. Designs AI: An AI-assisted graphic design tool for creating logos, videos, and more quickly. ($25/mo)
  5. GetResponse: Create a personalized website without coding using this AI-driven website builder.
  6. Durable AI Site Builder: Builds websites in 30 seconds with AI-optimized content.
  7. Aida: Streamlines web design with AI for personalized optimization suggestions. ($16.24/mo)
  8. Pineapple Builder: An AI-powered website builder, no coding needed. Ideal for showcasing business. ($12/mo Freemium)
  9. Landing AI: An AI-powered website generator for unique product landing pages. ($19)
  10. Uizard: Design mobile and web apps with this AI-powered UI design tool. (Paid)

Please note that the prices and features may vary, so it’s best to visit the individual websites for the most accurate information.

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Picture of AI Mode
AI Mode

AI Mode is a blog that focus on using AI tools for improving website copy, writing content faster and increasing productivity for bloggers and solopreneurs.