This new AI search engine is changing how you research the web. Your SERP page can now do more than direct you away, and back App Logo AI search engine

App types: ,

Table of contents:

Supported platforms:

Chrome Extension
Mobile App Android
Mobile App iOS

Language Models


AI tools supported

Text generator
AI image generator
AI search engine

AI writer features

Long-form editor
AI writing tools

AI search

AI powered rankings
Ranking customization
AI search personalization
Horizontal and Vertical scrolling
Twitter feeds
Play Tiktok on SERP

Recommended for:

Language Models


Quick overview

AI search engines are cropping up and destabilizing our understanding of the internet. These new AI search engines are leveraging natural language processing and deep learning algorithms to understand the intent and context of a query. This has enabled them to provide more accurate results and return information in an easily accessible manner.

What is is a powerful AI-powered search engine that is able to deliver more relevant searches based on the user’s query. On the surface, it looks like any other search engine, (Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, you name it), but once you take time to explore, you’d be surprised at how much more productive you can be when researching content. presents a neater and cleaner way to search and experience the web. This AI-powered search engine provides users with a personalized, yet private search experience.

For instance, you can start your query from a regular search box, and on the results page, you can jump onto the YouChat (ChatGPT-like feature right inside the search page), to query the tool on the topic you just searched about. You can ask it to give you the main points, define a term, list highlights, etc.

This is just scratching the surface, as, apart from being a search engine, has capabilities of all of your other AI tools, including the ability to write code(YouCode), generate short and long-form content (YouWrite), and even create images (YouImaagine). pricing

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